If you are slowly showing signs of baldness and are not quite ready to shave it all completely off, then these hairstyles for balding men will help you deal with your baldness.
A lot of us here at The Bald Brothers have completely embraced our baldness.
This is evident in our Facebook group, where guys often share how they look after their latest razor shave, leaving nothing but a shiny head left for all to see.
I will personally always recommend to any guy that is showing signs of baldness to shave it off sooner rather than later.
But I do know that there are a few of you that are not quite ready for that sort of look just yet.
And that’s why I have put together some of the best hairstyles for balding men which might just be of help to you.
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11/09/2024 06:51 pm GMT
The Best Hairstyles for Balding Men
See also:
- When To Shave Your Head If Going Bald? How About Right Now?
So if you are a fellow balding man that’s still trying to hold onto his hair, then you might want to check out a few of these hairstyles below.
I definitely have tried one or two of them in the past, but nothing beats a cleanly shaven head!
If you have just started going bald, don’t panic.
I’m sure you can still go a few years without anyone noticing.
For those of you who are wondering when would be a good time to actually get the razor out, check out this post.
Below are some of the best hairstyles for balding men to allow you to bald gracefully.
Let me know what you think!
1. The Buzz Cut
In my opinion, this is one of the best alternatives to shaving it all off completely.
The buzz cut is pretty much that one step before grabbing the razor and shaving cream, and it looks really good.
It’s a simple yet masculine hairstyle, which you can literally do yourself at home.
The buzz cut really helps minimize the obvious baldness that you are going through, and draws attention to other areas of your face.

2. Spikes
Spikes are a really good way to style your thinning hair.
They ensure that the scalp is far less visible, and you can really get creative with how you want your hair to look.
Just get yourself some good hairstyling product and you can get this hairstyle working for you within minutes!

3. Mid Fade Taper Haircut
A mid fade haircut is another genius way to direct attention away from the fact that you are showing signs of baldness or thinning hair.
Now this one you most likely won’t be able to do at home, so get your barber or hairdresser to do it for you.

4. Receding Hairline Shaved Sides Haircut
For those of you with a noticeable receding hairline, this look might just work for you.
If your hair has a little bit of length, then you can use this hairstyle to your advantage.
The fade cut and wavy locks ensure your receding hairline isn’t as visible.
5. Shaved Head with Beard
Having a beard with a completely bald head looks really good.
It adds balance to your face, and ensures you don’t look too bare or like an egg!
Even if you can’t grow a full beard, just a bit of stubble will do.

6. High & Tight
When in doubt, just go shorter.
That seems to often work with thinning hair in men.
The high & tight cut works really well, and looks even better if you allow a bit of stubble or even grow a full beard.

7. Scruffy Short Hair
If you are not ready for a shaved head or a buzz cut just yet, then this look could work for you.
The length is kept the same all over, and it works well in hiding your baldness.
And by using some hairstyling product, you can have the hair look a bit scruffy, which works well in hiding the scalp.

8. Receding Hairline Cut
Jude Law has been sporting a massive receding hairline for a very long time now, and yet he always seems to have it looking decent.
He always has a short hairstyle, with the front part styled up.
This seems to work well and you don’t notice his baldness as much.

9. Slicked Back Hairstyle
The slick back has become a really popular hairstyle, for both balding and non balding men.
It’s a good way to draw attention away from your receding hairline. You will need a bit of length though, so make sure you grow it out enough.
Then get the comb and start styling!

10. Skin Fade with Short Hair
The skin fade with short hair is a classy look that suits thinning hair quite well.
It works even better if you are still in the early stages of balding. The shaved sides definitely draw attention away from your hairline.

11. Short Pomp
Another hairstyle to consider if you have a receding hairline.
The short pomp can be varied a bit, but you pretty much use the pomp to conceal any hair thinning or scalp showing.

12. Spikes with Shaved Sides
Similar to the spikes above, this one adds in shaved sides.
The spike look is really good for balding men, as it does a great job in hiding any baldness.
Add to that some shaved sides, and you have a winner!

13. Short Cut with Long Beard
If you are able to grow a decent looking beard and also aren’t quite ready to shave off everything, then go for the short cut with a longer beard.
The beard will immediately attract attention away from your balding, and the short hair will also help make your baldness less visible.
It’s a manly look, and you can’t go wrong!

14. Messy High & Tight
Take the normal high & tight look and get a little messy on top!
This look with its short sides hides your baldness quite well.
The messiness on top gives your thinning hair a bit more volume, making your baldness less noticeable.

15. Messy Hair with Side Trim
This look is great for men balding who are also going gray.
As you can see, the messy look actually helps a lot with reducing your visible baldness.
It gives your hair volume, and takes attention away from thinning parts of your head.

One style I left out here is any type of combover.
Whatever you do, don’t be a combover guy!
If you need to do a combover to cover up your baldness, then you need to rather shave it off!
End of story.
Many guys still wonder as to when to shave their heads completely bald, but that’s totally up to you.
Just remember that it’s where you most likely will end up anyways, so why not just shave it off right now and start sporting your new look?
You’ll look and feel better than ever!
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11/09/2024 05:52 pm GMT